Drunken Muttering's

possibly profound. normally bizarre

Tis the season! November 29, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovedrunk11 @ 5:21 pm
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Okay, so now thanksgiving has passed we’re all getting excited about Christmas!!! Of course many people don’t share this enthusiasm,  while others take it as a chance to make profound observations…

I for one revert to a five year old girl who screams and jumps every time wham comes onto the radio.



Zombie invasion? November 26, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovedrunk11 @ 10:31 pm
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I don’t know about you, but ever since the whole “2012” thing started up, there have been ALOT of articles on the web about how to survive a zombie uprising.

Now I myself feel quite prepared because of this (I have my head shots timed to perfection and a year’s supply of Mike and Ike’s). But I can’t help but wonder why there has been a rush of these survival guides.

I don’t know if the ancient Mayan civilisation predicted an undead army who would strike the earth rendering it lifeless…if they did, that would be impressive. Perhaps they predicted that they would come back…maybe we should be preparing for a Mayan takeover?

Then again, this could all be some overly dramatic ruse, we tend to go through these every so often…like economic recessions.

Stay safe!

fear teh zombie kitteh

fear teh zombie kitteh


Too many late nights? November 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovedrunk11 @ 5:37 pm
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Righto, early night tonight. I know true blood is on but honestly, I’ve been going to bed waaay to late and I might collapse from exhaustion. It’s only been prevented so far due to the caffeine in my green tea (new addiction?)

anywho, I don’t have much to say only this little nugget:





Ready for the weekend… November 21, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovedrunk11 @ 6:23 pm
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Listening to: Richman 3oh!3

Drinking: Dr.Pepper

Finally, I thought this would never come. Last weekend I was out from Friday night till Sunday afternoon so I have alot of sleep to catch up on. Of course, I have to babysit for two hours in about…40 minutes, which will be dull but earns me a quick tenner.

This week was hell. First off I was sleep deprived.  I know that’s my own fault but it was for charity…so blame the homeless and our govt. that won’t help them. Secondly, my ex was being a paranoid jerk. Basically, we aren’t over each other which is causing problems but things seem to be sorted out…for now of course. thirdly, I spent all of this morning until lunchtime writing a theology essay. Jeez, it was soooo dull!

Anyway. I know it could have been much worse but I could have done without alot of it. At least I have a work free three days ahead of me…bring it on



Hello world! November 20, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovedrunk11 @ 6:01 pm

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!